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Period-doubling RG analysis

renormalization group method
golden-mean RG analysis

Let us consider a one-dimensional map . The function determines evolution operator for one step of discrete time, it is supposed to have a maximum at the origin. For two steps we obtain , and let us introduce instead of x a new variable rescaled with factor . Changing x to in both sides of the equation, we write , where . Now let us take g1(x) as a new initial function and produce the same operations. Then, we obtain a renormalized evolution operator for four steps: , where . Repetition of the procedure yields a recurrent functional equation


If the original map g0(x) depends on parameter and demonstrates period-doubling cascade, then, at the accumulation point of the period-doubling, with appropriate selection of rescaling constant a we have . The limit function g(x) will satisfy to the Feigenbaum-Cvitanović equation


i.e. it is a fixed point of the functional equation. If the maximum at the origin is quadratic, it will correspond to the Feigenbaum criticality (type F); powers 4, 6, 8 correspond to other universality classes (T, S, E).

Let us now search for solution of the functional equation close to the fixed point in a form . At we have


This equation has structure of linear operator equation . If we have some eigenfunction h(x) and eigenvalue n satisfying , then a solution may contain a component that behaves in a course of iterations as . Those eigenvalues will be of relevance, which are larger in absolute value than 1 and are not associated with infinitesimal variable changes. A number of relevant eigenvalues corresponds to codimension of the given type of criticality. The eigenvalues themselves define parameter space scaling factors in some special local coordinate system (scaling coordinats).

Generalization of the above analysis for two-dimensional mappings , consists in the following. We select appropriate coordinates on the plane (x, y) and construct a functional sequence

If it converges (with properly selected and ) to a fixed point, or to a periodic orbit, it will correspond to some criticality type and universality class. Examples are types В, BT, H, FQ, C from our collection.

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Saratov group
of theoretical nonlinear
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