Numerical Algorithms for Nonlinear Dynamics
Existing Program Implementations

Software for bifurcation analysis

SGTND main    : :    Algorithms and Programms    : :    Software for bifurcation analysis    : :    XPP

russian      noframes

XPP: interative simulating and numerically solving dynamical systems.


Whatis, where, when, why - history, context, versions, discussions.


XPP may be downloaded as source archive, to be compiled with, e.g. CYGWIN. Or you may download precompiled binaries. For doing graphics you will need X-server. It may be the server from CYGWIN distro. The author maintains several other servers at his site (this way, please, for more details).

There is version of XPP named WINPP, specially for WINDOWS, which does not require X-server. It is based on LOCBIF instead of AUTO, but is less functional (for more details about LOCBIF go here). On the other hand it is easy to install and use - simply unzip and start. There is separate web page, and manuals, though outdated.

[Un]necessary details

Details, features, discussions.
The basic characteristics are summarized in the tables:
What it can do (its capabilities coincide mostly with that of AUTO, since XPP use it as an engine) and usability and requirements.

[Un]asked recommendations

Installation under Windows, firsthand experience (if any).